Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stop Boeing's Killer Drone

The Anti-War Committee is organizing to oppose the Boeing Company’s plan to win the Pentagon contract for the next generation combat drone.

Sign our new petition here.

We will be protesting at the Boeing Stockholders Meeting on April 28th at the Field Museum.

Stay tuned for more information.

We are supporting Kait McIntyre’s campaign to get elected to the Boeing board on an anti-war platform.

Here is Kait's platform:

1.       Her platform calls on Boeing Company to disinvest in drone research, stop seeking drone contracts in general and end its pursuit of the Navy UCLASS combat drone contract. Boeing should close the Phantom Ray drone project, end production of the Scan Eagle program, and stop any current or future bidding on drones for warfare and surveillance without proper warrants. The US’s use of drone warfare – targeted killing, and attacks in countries where we have not declared war - violates international law. We need to end wars, not build a new generation of deadly weapons.

2.       Her platform calls on Boeing Company to end military production. The projected cuts to the Pentagon budget are greatly needed, but are only the beginning of retooling of our economy away from war production, in the interests of humanity and the U.S. economy.  In line with the needed cuts to the Pentagon, Boeing should shift its business strategy to phase out all military production. The United States has spent trillions of dollars in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, as well as in Libya and Syria. This money could have been contributed toward schools, jobs, health-care, and other social service programs that benefit people. Pentagon contracts and weapons manufacturing mean death and destruction. From the depleted uranium bombs that have poisoned the soil and people of Gaza, to the B52 bombers that killed so many Vietnamese, we deeply regret that Boeing products have harmed so many and linked the Boeing name with bloodshed, death, and destruction.

3.       Her platform calls on Boeing Company to end their history of corporate welfare and class warfare, and give back to the communities where they operate. Boeing uses loopholes to dodge paying taxes, but tax payments on their enormous profits could stop the slashing of government funded social programs. In addition,Boeing should repatriate profits from overseas operations.

Current Boeing CEO James McNerney has said that educators and families with children in school in Chicago may have to “do some things at the local level that the local level doesn’t want to do in order to ensure some quality.” His meaning is clear: he backs Mayor Emanuel’s attacks on the teachers and children of Chicago Public Schools. Boeing should put a stop to these attacks and speak out against Emanuel closing schools and turning schools into military academies.

Boeing should sign onto labor peace agreements. We believe that the key to building a company is keeping well-paid jobs with benefits like pension plans, and treating workers fairly. We oppose cutting jobs for thousands just so a handful can buy multi-million dollar homes in Miami.

Finally, Boeing should commit their vast wealth to research and development for green air travel, and lead the industry towards sustainability. This is urgently needed as climate change accelerates.

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